bonjour mes amis. i write to you from qa luxurious cyber cafe in bangangte. french keyboards are a little different: azerty; not qwerty. this will be brief i only have 15 minutes and the internet is very slow.

one: i love cameroon. beaucoup. it is beautiful, the people are nice, my host family is great.
two: this is the hardest thing i have ever done. it is very hard to go home to a family where we do not understand each other very well if at all. i did not realize how intense the language barrier would be. i did a bit of crying over it all but i think i am done for now. it will be a long slow process but i think that i will get there eventually.

my stomach is still getting used to the copious amounts of palm oil, but all the food i have eaten has been delicious.

what is my day like§ let me tell you. i wake up on my big wide bed under a mosquito net. carry my TP out to the latrine behind the house and practice my aim. i am no sniper. this is at six am, but my host family is already up and scrubbing the floors. i brush my teeth with bottled water and spit outside. i bucket bathe in the douche inside; a small room with a tile floor with a small drain. apparently i can also pee here at night, have not tried it. my host mom has breakfast ready for me, though no one else eats any. it is a giant omelet and a baguette with margarine or chocolat. also a cup of instant coffee: i walk to the training center a five minute walk: 4 two hour classes a day with a break for lunch: i finish at four thirty and walk home: rest: try to communicate with my family; have dinner in front of the tv zith ma mere et mon^pere and sometimes my oldest host brother; the other 4 to 6 kids eat elsewhere or at another time; then they do homework while my mother and father prepare baked goods; i go to sleep early and have mefloquine dreams;

all for now: much love: write me or call me: email me for my number; hearing from home anything at all would be really great: REALLY;

i am very happy and healthy;


Sean6 | September 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM

The "what have I gotten myself into" tears are a part of something you'll never forget. Sounds like you are doing well. Will you ever be able to welcome visitors?

Moira | September 28, 2009 at 2:43 PM

Zara! It is so cool that you are doing this. I am incredibly envious of your experience. I know there will be many challenges (the language barrier among them!) but they will only make for an even more exciting adventure -- and great stories! Can't wait to keep reading all about it. Have fun and take care!

Zara | October 4, 2009 at 2:55 PM

Sean! Yes, I will ever be able to welcome visitors. March at the earliest, but probably after June or July would be better.

Moira! Thanks for the comment. Join the Peace Corps! It is awesome. In the meantime I will write more.

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